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My projects

All my projects are based on my attraction for the past and for the antique techniques (hand embroidery, material transformation, crochet, knitting...).      

I think that every object with a memory (vintage clothes, the cup service of  Granny, the little shorts of your childhood..) has an affective value so precious and inspiring for my design. This connection with the past let me bond also with the Earth, creating ethical and unique outfits for a slower and more respectful Fashion System.         

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Cavoli a merenda

"Cavoli a merenda" (cabbage for breakfast) is an italian idiom to say something being out of place. In fact this project is focused on the transformation of baby clothes in a womenswear collection: a rod becomes an earring, undershirts become a skirt. The deconstruction and the recycling of old things makes the outfits sustainable and full of history.

Xè mejo el tacon del buso

Xè mejo el tacon del buso is a textile project which wants to analyze the topic of sustainability in the fashion system through the proposal of bioplastics materials filled with leftover fabrics and food waste. These materials want to point out the urge that we have of changing our mindset and our impact on the environment, through creativity and withouth boundaries or prejudice.

Do your own bucato

"Do your own bucato" it's focused on surface transformation made in different ways and in fact every outfit personifies different shades of me. Agnes' transparency, Hannah's silky windy movement, Agatha's deconstruction, Amanda's curiosity of seeing through things, Johanna's sustainable ethic lifestyle, Ada's love for crochet and handmade tecniques

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Sans vapeur et sans voile

"Sans vapeur et sans voile" it's an accessories project which started analyzing the old vintage trunks used during travels and their interesting structures and hidden secrets.

I designed bags and a hat inspired by the old trunks in their lines and details, making them contemporary by light and soft leather, with a touch of color of the sewing stiches and of the lining of the panels inside the bags. 

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Out of the box

"Out of the box” comes from the green hero who has inspired me for all my life: my dad. He has always grown plants, organic vegetables, and he keeps everything even f is broken or useless, just because maybe in the future will be useful. So this obsession of not throwing away objects and accumulting everything has inspired my sustainable collection.


"Voi ce feuille profonde te fondre" ("Look at this deep leaf which melts you") refers to the leaf embroidered by hand in every garment of the collection. The hand embroidery and the decoloration of denim have a very deep affective value for me, because they represent the artisanal sustainable work which overcames the industrial clothes

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© 2021 by Anna Basso. Proudly created with

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